Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Sale of The A's: Owner Vote Wed.

Josh Suchon of the Oakland Tribune done a follow-up on the progress of the sale; the vote amongst all the owners is set for Wednesday. There shouldn't be a problem this time around as Wolff has been touted as a fraternity brother of Selig. Although it would be interesting to see how Mr. Magowen votes: on the one hand, he could show his displeasure with the continous and backless San Jose move and vote against the sale or he could decide to get on Selig's good side for getting the All Star Game in 07 by voting for the sale.

Either way, Wednesday will be the most interesting day of the week with Thursday being the second with the opeing game of the Bay Bridge series followed by a Friday press conference of the potential new owners.

UPDATE: The conference call will take place at 2 o'clock co. SF Chronicle.