Monday, February 21, 2005

Sale of the A's: Reggie speaks

Reggie was on KNBR today, talking about many things from the steroid issue to his ownership hopes.

According to Jackson, there are elements in the A's and MLB offices that want to move the team, mainly to Vegas. That was the reason why he wasn't allowed to have a meeting with Wolff as he would have kept the team in Oakland.

Well, not so fast Mr. Jackson; he told the Las Vegas Sun that he wants to bring a team to Vegas. And this may have been before the scheduled meetings with Wolff and Schott. Or it could be that his is joining another ownership group, i.e. the D-Rays.

Whether the team moves are not is based on what happens with Vegas. If the Marlins cannot get their money for a stadium, they will move to Vegas. San Jose may not be an option unless the city decides to legally fight baseball's anti-exemption rights.