Wednesday, February 09, 2005

OT: Feds - "Not Recommended"

In respect to the VTA/BART extension, the Federal Transportation Agency released its "New Starts" transportation plan for the 2005 fiscal year.

Of most importance to the issue, the Feds have declined recommendation for the extension, citing inadequate information regarding ridership and time saved from a Bart Extension.

The issue here is how this implicates a ballpark in San Jose. It was smart of Mayor Gonzales to push for a complete extension because phasing in the project would have required building sites on non-researched land and for trains to be held in an East Bay rail yard. That would have defeated some of the time and cost-saving advantages. Of course, as the article mentions, this is not a death sentence to the project; it will just require the citizens of Santa Clara County to decide on approving another half-cent tax for additional funds. Not an easy proposition...

Although one issue that could have been looked at is whether to get Alameda County back on the ball in regards to finishing the Fremont to Warm Springs extension, thus allowing VTA to expand it's light-rail system to Warm Springs. This would help bring higher ridership on VTA/BART and could include a ticket-transfer system like many transportation agencies have.