Friday, January 07, 2005


"Oh great, another blogsite..."

That's probably the first thought when you saw this site; I can't blame you. Blogs have started to pop-up everywhere; nestled into every nook and cranny of cyberspace. Hell, if Keith Olbermann -- the dude who *tried* to pass off as a sports reporter -- can have one, why can't I?

So I decided to join the party. Well, sort of. I thought it would be interesting to not only create a site about my favorite team, the "A'S", but also to see how big the blogscene had become. Basically, the daily updates on the story that is of the baseball team that could, and did, as well as the newsworthy item toss here and there.

My goal is that over the next few days and weeks, the information I present here will be thought-provoking and concise. Not to mention the idea that this blog becomes usable to you.